Saturday, September 12, 2009

Back to the Grind

I've been out of town a couple of days and just got back. She seems a little out of sorts, I think it's getting harder for her to be without me, at least while she's getting used to this blind thing. I've noticed her running into more things. Apparently when I was gone she had some trouble getting inside, she'd run into the closed side of the door. Ely does this thing, especially when she's upset or confused, and goes under the kitchen table. Then she pin balls around amid the chair legs until she gets out. Sometimes, like now, she's just lays under the table, snoozing. The blind book recommends having a safe space for her to retreat to, I think under the table is one of those spots.

The other humans reported that the dogs got into the trash (even with the baby lock!). Ely also went to the bathroom inside the house and wasn't sick. This is very unusual for her. She's hardly ever done this and only when very sick. This is concerning to me, I'm sure it's related, I just don't know how. I got and began reading Living with Blind Dogs by Caroline Levin.
She strongly believes that the Cushing's like symptoms the dog experiences (weight gain, increased hunger, thirst, etc) is actually related to some hormone imbalances. That's why SARD's dogs aren't testing positive for Cushing's. Ely's blood work did not indicate that she has Cushing's, but she just having so many of those symptoms! So, this explanation is helpful and may mean the steroid/anti-biotic treatment may be the way to go. Until reading this book, I thought this treatment would only help Ely regain some of her sight and was reluctant to put her on long term steroids because of possible side effects. Levine says that, untreated the hormone issues could cause more problems. I am at a loss! I don't know what to do. I'm going to keep reading and talk to the vets some more. In the mean time we'll start on our first new "command," "slow." This will help me guide her around obstacles.

1 comment:

  1. i would say give her more time to learn her way around before deciding on a treatment option. then you'll have a better idea which symptoms are stress related and which will require intervention. how do the steroids affect Ely's hormones? she could have her hormones tested to see if that's the problem first. the steroids would slow an immune response, but they might not be worth unless it solved some other problems too. steroids are dangerous and she could gain weight. do you know if she has any vision left? she seems to be compensating with her other senses pretty well. i mean, a blind dog going on a walk is impressive!
